Courses and consultancies are offered by SCA authorized trainer and Q-Grader Felipe Orioli.

Felipe Orioli

Felipe Orioli is an MSc. Agronomist, Arabica Q-Grader, consultant, and educator. His passion for coffee began in 2007, when he started working with the production of specialty coffees at Fazenda Bagagem (GO). He is an instructor authorized by the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) and has more than 17 years of experience in the commercial coffee chain. He currently lives in Lisbon, is a PhD student in Management at the University of Lisbon Business School (ISEG) and develops projects with Fazenda Bagagem's specialty coffee in Europe.

Learning is done through 3 stages of knowledge and skills in each module: Foundation, Intermediate and Professional.

SCA Courses

SCA Certified Courses

The Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) is a non-profit organization representing thousands of coffee professionals, from growers to baristas around the world.

SCA Certified Training provides you with a certification that is internationally recognised.

The Coffee Skills Program (CSP) is a modular, skills-based training program designed to prepare students to become more successful in their careers, contributing to the progress and evolution of the specialty coffee industry. The CSP program consists of 6 different modules: Introduction to coffee, Barista Skills, Brewing, Green Coffee, Roasting and Sensory Skills.



O workshop de Introdução ao café é ideal para quem é novo no café especial. Ele traça a jornada do café desde suas origens na Etiópia até ser a mercadoria importante que é hoje. Este workshop fornece uma visão geral de toda a cadeia de fornecimento de café especial.


O workshop de “Análise Sensorial” explora os fundamentos das habilidades sensoriais aplicadas ao café. Vamos trabalhar o conceito de análise sensorial e como aplicamos na cadeia de valor do café. Exploraremos de forma interativa a maneira como sentimos e percebemos alguns dos atributos do café. De uma forma prática vamos conhecer os “gostos básicos” e alguns dos “aromas do café”. E por último, vamos falar sobre o uso da roda sabor da SCA.


O Workshop de degustação guiada apresenta os fundamentos da avaliação sensorial do café de uma forma prática. Será apresentado o protocolo de prova padrão utilizado pelo setor do café – SCA cupping.

Os participantes aprendem a seguir um processo standard para diferenciar certos atributos sensoriais do café, incluindo corpo, acidez, amargo e muito mais.

Permite obter insights sobre a identificação de qualidades especiais de café, bem como uma visão geral da classificação de cafés.

Vamos debater sobre o novo conceito de café de especialidade apresentado pela Specialty Coffee Association (SCA).


O Workshop de introdução a torra dará ao participante uma compreensão do processo de torrefação, além de apresentar uma compreensão básica da estrutura de uma máquina de torra, serão apresentadas algumas mudanças físicas que ocorrem no grão e a modulação do sabor pela torrefação.

SCA Courses


The Introduction to Coffee course is ideal for those new to specialty coffee. It traces the journey of coffee from its origins in Ethiopia to being the important commodity it is today. This course provides an overview of the entire specialty coffee supply chain.


The key concepts around green coffee, from plant growth, through processing, shipping and storage to roasting. This course is ideal for people in the coffee industry or those looking to gain an insight into the broad subject that is green coffee. 


This module studies into the process of roasting beans, including the roasting cycle and levels, identifying defects, physical and chemical changes, as well as managing the roasting production flow.


Sensory analysis courses cover concepts and skills relevant to the evaluation of coffee and related products. The content of these interactive courses includes sensory science; industry-specific protocols; common sensory attributes of coffee; physiological sensory training; implementation of sensory programs; consumer test design; application in business and more.

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